Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Life Changes

This is a poem I wrote in the mid-1990s. It's about how life can suddenly change and catch you by surprise.

Life changes in a heartbeat
As everything comes from out of the blue
Surprises come around every corner
Believe me, it's true

My life is in upheaval
It seems as if nothing is built to last
Everything appears to be different now
As things change so fast

I cannot depend upon
What I could count on as reality
And now these changes are making me see
The world differently

People come and people go
They seem to walk in and out of your life
Some you see again, but there are some who
Stay out of your life

Many changes are abound
As you gain more experience in life
Some experiences will be good while
Others cause you strife

Life changes -
You live and you learn
But don't let life pass you by
As everything changes around you

Life changes...

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